Monday, October 24, 2005

SueSue's List

First off, a little about Sue :) Sue's my little 'mei' and she's a bowl of mixed nuts *grin* she's as crazy as crazy gets (or as crazy as soonyee gets) and I totally love that about her. She loves passionately... in the case of Sammi :p haha... and I have to admit that there's just something about her that makes you love her so darned much! *muuuuuaaaaaks!* She's a genuinely nice person and she adores Sammi Cheng, X-Men and Naruto... well.. she loves watching anime! hehe.. and she stays a mere 6mins drive from me and I love to hang out at her place and 'bless' her with my presence *wink* Anyways, this is her list, and I do have to agree that there is a number of hotties here...

1. Daniel Wu

Top of the list *grin* I can't believe I ranked him no. 10/11 and Sue ranked him no. 1!!
See? This goes to show that people who hang out together and are of the same frequency may not have the same tastes!~

2. Johnny Depp

now now... I ranked him no. 2 too... you just can't resist him cos he's so damn hot. I just don't understand how some people do not like Johnny Depp at all! I mean... what's there not to like?! I even liked him as Willy Wonka in "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory" :p

3. Kimi Raikkonen

F1 Grand Prix Driver for West Mercedes McLaren. Other than that, I have no idea who he is so I can't write much! muahahaha... I don't watch F1 mah... So I know nuts about this... but I do love his sunglasses though and you have to admit that he's kinda hot ;p He looks so pinkish that he's almost cute in an adorable way... Sue's gonna slap me silly for my brief and biased intro...

4. Tom Cruise

Now.. THIS one I know! I loved his portrayal of Anne Rice's Vampire Lestat in "Interview With the Vampire". I can watch the movie a zillion times and not get sick of it! I think he looks ok in movies like "Mission Impossible" and "Minority Report" but "Interview With the Vampire" is the best! But of course, once again I am biased cos my fav character in the vampire series is, after all, Lestat... Long live LESTAT~!

5. Damon Albarn

Vocalist/Keyboardist/Guitarist for the british rock band Blur... What a yummy combo! hehe... Blur was often compared to Oasis cos Oasis made a bigger impact in the States but guess which band has better looking members? *grin* A few of their biggest hits were "Song2", "Girls and Boys" and "Coffee and TV" but my all time has gotta be 'woo-hoo' song! Oh, lookie, he's pierced!!!

6. Andy Lau
According to Sue, he looks better with age *ponder* I am totally neutral on this so I have nothing to say *grin* He started his acting career in 1980 and his singing career in 1985. Imagine this, I wasn't even born yet when he started singing! Whoa~ He's been around a long long time ;)

7. Rob Thomas

Hottie alert!! Rob Thomas was on my list too but I had to remove him cos there were too many other hotter people (like Freddie *grin*) so I had to sacrifice one and I chose poor Rob Thomas. Anyways, he's a singer/songwriter and the lead for the band Matchbox Twenty. Good music here!! His solo works are not bad too... Check them out!

8. Adrian Mutu

I have no idea who Adrian Mutu is and I actually had to "google" him cos Sue's not online!! *cry* With my limited time, I managed to find out that he's actually a footballer... position : forward for Juventus. Oh.. and he's Romanian! No idea what else to write... Sue, where are you?!?!?!

9. Michael Vartan

Oh... another Hottie from my list *grin* I prefer the photo on my list though, where he was shirtless, displaying a tattoo on his upper left arm... gawd... but he looks so good in this photo too! damnit... I think we are all suckers for the scruffy look!

10. Peter Gallagher

Sue says that for someone middle aged, he's really hot *ponder* I dunno also.. No comment! Muahaha... I only saw him once in the show "Center Stage" but I really loved that movie so it's doesn't matter. He isn't bad looking so I'm fine with it... Seems that he's in "The O.C." too and he's hot in that but I wouldn't know cos I haven't watched it before... A reason to start perhaps? *grin*

11. Takashi Sorimachi

Oh, I recognize this guy from his fame in the "GTO" series that was once shown on the tube. Hmmm... looks better in this photo than he does on TV but according to the ever-resourceful Internet, he's pretty hot in Japan. And he's singer too... He looks hot anyways... I hope Sue doesn't mind me invading a little here, but there is this hot Jap in the short series "Friends" that I find absolutely adorable too, but I have no idea what his name is though...

12. Jude Law

This gorgeous fella is in sooooo many movies, "Gattaca" (along with another hottie, Ethan Hawke *grin*), "The Talented Mr Ripley", "Artificial Intelligence: AI" (damn.. I cried watching this!), "Cold Mountain", "Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow", and "The Aviator" just to name a few... For me, he looks hot in certain angles and not so hot in certain angles :p But this is definitely a flattering picture of him, no?

13. Matt Damon

The name Matt Damon is almost synonymous to the name Ben Affleck. And if not because of the Bennifer fiasco (Ben+Jennifer), one would actually suspect these two to be gay *grin* Hot gays though! muahaha... His best ever has got to be in "Good Will Hunting" cos it propelled both of them to international stardom. He was also in "The Legend of Beggar Vance", "Ocean Eleven", "Ocean Twelve", "Bourne Identity" and "Bourne Supremacy"... He's also reputed to play the role of Jason Bourne (once again!) in "The Bourne Ultimatum" due in 2007.

14. Colby Donaldson

One of the few "Survivor" hunks :p famous after his participation in "Survivor3: The Australian Outback". I'm not a "Survivor" fan so if it isn't because of Sue, I wouldn't know of his existence! But i'm glad though, cos although he didn't win, he's pretty hot to look at! Muahaha... I wonder if many people watched it just to look at him? *ponder*
By the way, I love his sunnies...

15. Ethan Hawke

I don't understand how Sue can put him at no.15!!! He's so goddamed (I wanted to use the f-word but decided against it :p) hot... Sorry to say he didn't make it to my list too but I just love the way he looks. I loved him in "Gattaca" (trust me, with him, Jude Law and Uma Thurman.. "Gattaca" should NOT be missed!!) The first time I saw him was in "Dead Poet's Society" (another good show not to be missed!) and then there was also "Great Expectations" and "Hamlet". He looks good whether clean shaven or scruffy... Heck, I think he looks good anyhow :p

All in all, a good list :) although I am still disgruntled that Ethan Hawke ranked so low *cry* and I don't even see anything about the great River Phoenix!!! Darn it! Is it cos he was waay before your time? Cos he passed on such a long long time ago?? What a waste... Anyways, in conclusion, the hotties on your list look pretty hot to me too~! *grin*

So, Sue... you pleased? *grin*
Wait for Melissa's list to be up tomorrow~! *grin* man... I love this fest...


Anonymous said...

I can imagine you giving that ear-to-ear, banana smile while you are doing these blogs. What can I say, hot guys makes us gals high, huh?

Anonymous said...

wheee!!! my lit is up!! my list is up!! it's fantastic to see so many hotties up in ur blog! man i must promote ur blog now..gonna blog myself..and link it here! :)


Anonymous said...

hey soon yee...

Instead of juz hot guys....why not have cool guys oso....*grin*

Then we shall be able to see so many guy pix in here....wahahaha =P

--> Cindy <--

Anonymous said...

hi soon,

no offence but i think i like your list better...