Sunday, October 23, 2005

SoonYee's List

First off... a little about me. Most of you already know me anyways. I'm just a typical 23-year old with nothing better to do, than blog. If I get any more typical you can buy me off shelves and order me thru catalogs! hahaha... I love to read, love music, love shopping (shoes, clothes, you name it!) and love caffeine (currently on "therapy" to kick the last two! darn...) Heck, I love anything beautiful (which explains my list! hahahaha). Let's not waste anymore time, so I hereby present to you (proudly, I might add!) my list of the 15 most gorgeous males. With No. 1 being the hottest and No. 15 being the "least" hot (if there is such a thing *grin*)

1. River Phoenix (deceased)

I never said anything about whether these males are still alive or not right?! *grin*
He OD-ed when he was 23 back in the year 1993... More than a decade ago and I still remember how he looks like from my teenage years. Gone so young huh? What a waste... Even his name is as gorgeous as he looks

2. Johnny Depp

Everyone loves Johnny Depp. Well, almost everyone anyway :p I loved him in "Edward Scissorhands"! And of course there were movies like "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow" and "From Hell". Always portraying dark, mysterious characters *grin*

3. Alex Band

Lead singer for The Calling. Maybe that's why I keep on watching the "Wherever You Will Go" and "Adrienne" video?? *grin* I love his voice, I love him being pierced... damn... he was hot enough when he wasn't pierced and now...

4. Ryan Phillippe

I don't care what anyone says, the curly hair looks good on him so let him be! Or maybe he'll look even better with a shaved head? *grin* I loved his portrayal of Sabastian Vermont in "Cruel Intentions". So cool, so collected, so sophisticated and such an ass (initially, anyway!)

5. Keanu Reeves

There isn't a pair of shades that does not look good on him. I liked him in "The Matrix" and in "Constantine". I just don't understand how he can look so cool all the time! I remember Mel used to laugh when I say guys look good when they're 'tall, fair & handsome' but the shoe fits here! Haha..

6. Daniel Johns

Lead singer and lead guitarist for Silverchair. I had a hard time deciding whether to upload a pic of him with long hair or with a shaved head but in the end, I decided on the latter! haha... Looks good anyhow!

7. Jay Chou

Anyone who knows me knows I like Jay Chou (love the way he mumbles when he sings! haha) I asked BeeSung why he's hot when he's not really good looking to begin with. The word she gave me to describe him is "smouldering"... hmmm... Here you go, a smouldering hottie~

8. Freddie Ljungberg

I can't even pronounce his name but that doesn't stop me from thinking that he's hot *grin* Midfielder for Arsenal and Calvin Klein's underwear model!! With a bod like that, who can stop him? If all footballers looked like this, I'd be catching each and every game aired... and I so love the tattoo! The tattoo just adds to the appeal!!~ A tattoo can never go wrong...

9. Michael Vartan

He's graced the screen in shows like "Never Been Kissed", "Alias" and lately, "Monster-in-Law". Hot ya?? Told you that a tattoo can never ever go wrong...

10. & 11. Daniel Wu & Stephen Fung

I couldn't decide on who was hotter so they can both tie at the same rank *grin* Both are pierced, can you see??? I wonder if they're tattooed as well... There was one movie that I watched where both portrayed gay men frolicking around half naked with each other... hahaha... Forgot the name of the movie though..

12. Neil Codling

Ex-Keyboardist and background vocalist for the UK band Suede. Many of you must be wondering who this fella is! haha... I've been a Suede fan since the days of "Animal Nitrate" right through "She's In Fashion". Ppl think Suede as a band that's cold, cynical, and pretentious. I don't :p
Neil Codling always looks bored, part of his charm perhaps? I guess I don't understand why someone who fags so much can look so pretty all the time... Looks so androgynous...

13. Daniel Powter

New breakthrough of a scruffy hunk *grin* love his music, his voice, his unshaven look... always a sucker for unshaven looks.. damn! Lookie.. he's pierced too! haha.. I wonder if he's tattooed as well *ponder ponder*

14. Craig David

"You look so good... Good enough to eat" *grin*
his very own words in "What's Your Flava"... His music rocks ok!! I've been listening to him since his days of "Fill Me In" and up till now, my fav are still "Walking Away" and "What's Your Flava"

15. Leslie Cheung (deceased)

Isn't it a pity that he had to die so young? Maybe not that young but still... His voice is like magic... I don't know what he's singing about but I love his voice anyway. And he's so classic looking that he can almost be labelled beautiful...Don't know if he can be categorized as hot though! haha...

That's the end of my list *grin* Sue's list is gonna be up tomorrow~!
Looking through all that, I noticed that i have an affinity for those with musical talents *ahem* (play a musical instrument! haha), piercings, tattooes and scruffy unshaven looks! With the exception of Neil Codling who looks like a druggie... albeit a pretty one *grin* but he does, after all, play the keyboard with such appealing indifference!~ Very subjective, this issue... Sometimes they just appeal to me and I don't know why
Oh well... till Sue's list gets posted, do enjoy what (in this case, it's who!) I enjoy *wink*


Anonymous said...

ahhaha nice list! i can only agree on some guys that u think is hot..cant wait for mine to be up! not only tattoos and piercing...but the scruffy looks on guys and those spike up hair are to die for too! muahahaha :)


Anonymous said...

Hmmm, i dun think Jay Chou is hot. i think of him rather cool. =P And as for Leslie Cheung, i dun really think he's hot. =P And as for the rest, no comment. Btw, dun get angry ya. Sue force me to comment on something =P I'm gonna be soooooo dead. wahaha!!!

--> Cindy <--

Anonymous said...

i'm speechless, word-less, hopeless...hopelessly drooling over that picture of River Phoenix. I can't believe this is a dead guy. Hey Soon, since River has passed on, why not Joaquin Phoenix. GRIN.
Anyway, cool list..and you actually still remember Ryan's 'pat pat'. I believe for the next 7 days, it's gonna be a mass variety of hottest guys on earth.

Anonymous said...

Hi Soon,

I totally agree on Johnny Depp
and of course

Ryan Phillippe and who that watched Cruel Intentions would dare think otherwise

Hye would Dwayne Johnson qualify for your list..?? *wonder* i know i know you guys think he is silly...but i think he is funny and entertaining