Sunday, August 21, 2005

Great Expectations

In our everyday lives, we are bound to have certain expectations, no?

The greater the expectation, the greater the disappointment.

1. You cannot just waltz into other people's lives and EXPECT them to pretend as though the world revolves only around you.
2. You cannot EXPECT others to care when you yourself did not care.
3. You cannot EXPECT others to include you when you have never bothered to take the time to include others when you had things planned.
4. You cannot EXPECT others to love you when you don't love them in return.
5. Respect is earned... Don't EXPECT others to respect you when you just demand them to.
6. Don't EXPECT others to give a damn about you when you have never given a damn about them.

Argh!!! in conclusion, just don't expect too much! Treat others like how you wish others to treat you, regardless of certain 'obligations'.

Too much friggin' pent up frustration... It's good to let off some steam... *phew*


Anonymous said...

i totally agree on the statement 'treat other like how you want them to treat you'..well i don't know how many ppl will agree with least i know..i have been living my life by it..and so far it's great! ehhe and yea..blogging is a good way to release stress and anger..well dear..whatever it is..cheer up! :) *hugs*


Anonymous said...

Well, well, well, great expectations, eh?

Ahem... here we go:

"It was the best of times, it was the worst of times,..."
-Charles Dickens

Aha! There u have it! That's 'great expectations' for you.