Saturday, May 12, 2007

An Awesome-Something

I know I haven't been blogging consistently for the past months... and I know my last post was like a couple of weeks back (or was it months?) I forget...
It's just that I haven't had much inspiration to blog and basically, there is nothing much interesting happening in my life that has impassioned me to post anything. Sure, sometimes, some things happen and I take some photos and think about blogging but that's about it... I just think about it and I can't bring myself to do anything about it.

Well... THAT IS ABOUT TO CHANGE! :) I AM GOING TO START BLOGGING AGAIN!!! *muauahahaha* (besides, if I don't continue blogging, my command of the English language would be taking a major skydive)

Ah well... actually, something awesome happened lately and I JUST HAVE TO blog about it. If I don't, I will rasa bersalah to myself :p hehehe... I feel so tired and so stoned but I know if I don't blog about it now, I'll probably have to wait another weekend :( So I'm putting aside my tiredness and shoving my stoned-ness into a box and here I am :D

And that awesome-something that warranted this blog post is....

*drumroll please*


Have you seen anything that carries such a magnitude of sublimity?!?!? I could stare at it all day and not get bored. It's like my ultimate dream come true... The only experience that I have ever had that could contest the this is my first glance of Sleeping Beauty's Castle in Disneyland. (please note that I deliberately took a photo of it when it was playing The Calling's "Wherever You Will Go" because Alex Band is sooooo soooooo fine... hahaha... (of course he isn't as fine as Johnny Depp but I do not have Johnny Depp's picture in my iPod so that's that)

Anyone who knows me knows that I have been oogling and lusting after the iPod since goodness-knows-when but I have been too scroogey to buy it (it so pricey!). Besides, my trusty old iPod mini is still in excellent working condition and it wouldn't seem fair to it to buy a new one...

My little baby's going to be 3 years old already...
I don't know why, but I just love the iPod so much... All other MP3 players don't catch my fancy and the only one that I actually even like a little is just the Samsung K5 because of the built in speakers and the flip mechanism. Other than that, it's ZILCH!

So now I have the new iPod video and the iPod mini in Blue (3rd generation). Anyone cares to donate an iPod nano and an iPod shuffle? :D Then my collection will be complete (if there's someout out there who's willing to donate each item in different colour, I would be eternally grateful *grin*) -- okok.. I won't be so greedy.. Donate to me, I'll share ;)

Actually, I didn't buy the new iPod video. Chin Aun got it for me *beam* He went to Singapore on a company trip for training and visited his brother when he was there. So his brother took him shopping for the iPod -- the 80G one too! *cartwheels* ... *fall flat on my face but still get up smiling because my iPod has obliterated my sense of pain*. He also got loads of other stuff for me (which he told me over the phone, but he never mentioned that he got the iPod too! hehehe...)

You know... I just noticed that both my iPods are not bought in Malaysia. And both are gifts from people who went on trips. My aunt went to New York and bought me the iPod (okok... I called her everyday when she was there and hounded her for it cos I wanted to get the engraving done.. but still; it's a gift!) and now this iPod is from Singapore :D hehe.. So Zeeks, you're going to US right?? I would love to have an iPod shuffle from there ;) hehe.. Anyone going anywhere else????

Some of the other stuff that Chin Aun got for me from Singapore:

Winnie the POOH tea-sets :)

Winnie the POOH bag

Winnie the POOH mobile thingies.. :)

I didn't know Winnie the POOH was so hot there :D hehehe... I love them!! So if any of you goes to Singapore; please buy more POOH stuff for me.. you know I'm a sucker for it :) hehehe...

Anyways, I'll be going to fondle (for lack of a better word) with my iPod's sleek curves (damn... this sentence sounds so obscene O_o) so it's toodles!~ :)
On an end note:

Note: Check out the left-panel of my blog in the "I want I want I want" section. I can now use the strikethrough format for the sentence "the new iPod" *grin*


Zeekco said...

Well, Chin Aun definately get you a lot of stuffs from Singapore. I think its time you reward him with something he really want. *Still dont get a hint?* You pay me, I'll get him some playboy/MAXIM mag from the states. hahahha..... If you pay more, I might even get him a DVD. Im sure he'll be very grateful for dat. Deal???

Anonymous said...

hi there girl! where have you been all this while? no updates....and finally plenty of updates. ;) i feel so excited for you that your owning an ipod dream has come true and one with video playing! hehehe i bet you're busy uploading your playlists in it right?? why u never come back to penang already mehhh??? our little friend is working now too! been mailing me due to his boredom everyday.... till then take care ya! xoxo