Wednesday, November 23, 2005

A woman on the edge...

On the edge of a soon-to-burst blood vessel! hahahaha...
A couple of days back, I met this lady who's a friend of my aunt. I was staying at one of the service apartments that she owned for a few nights with my aunt, Aunt Monica (also a friend of my aunt), my cousin from US and her boyfriend, from Korea. Anyways, this lady is quite something!!
She is very nice to all of us (for courtesy's sake? goodness knows...) taking us to lunch, dinner, and etc. But on Monday, on the way to dinner at Oversea Restaurant, we had to drop by KLCC to pick up my cousin, her bf and Chin Aun. The roads were pretty packed then and the lady was getting very irritated. She was driving. Anyways, she was going straight and there was a Mercedes S Class parked right next to her (contributing to the traffic jam!) and a red new Honda City on her right when we all reached a bottleneck in the road. The man in the Honda City accelerated, to show the lady that he wasn't gonna give way. I think this made the lady snap cos she accelerated too (she was driving a Mercedes E-Class). At this point, the S-Class on the left, the lady's car and the Honda were barely inches from each other! And still the Honda and the lady both refused to give in!! And the continued accelerating!! (At this point, I wanted to faint) The side mirror of the lady's car scraped her S-Class on the left and she decided that although this fella is blocking traffic by parking there, she'd rather bang the Honda. So she swerved a little to the right and scraped the side of the Honda. What was worse was that after she scraped the Honda, she stopped and let the Honda overtake her before she accelerated to scrape the Honda again (I believe she did this intentionally cos she scraped it 3 times!) Then she stopped her car beside the Honda and called the driver a "filthy bastard". And all the while, the poor guy in the S-Class could only stare at her open-mouthed (I think he was lost.. didn't know what to do). Then she accelerated and overtook the Honda. The guy in the Honda was pissed cos he pressed his horn and refused to let go and started tailgating the lady. Then she braked suddenly and the Honda has to emergendy brake too! And all the while, the guy in the Honda wouldn't stop honking!! And then the lady decided that she'd stop moving and parked herself right in front of the Honda. The traffic in front of us cleared and still she refused to budge. The guy in the Honda had to stop honking before she starting moving again.
Aunt Monica then proceeded to tell us of another time when this lady got a summon from the traffic police for speeding (or something!). Seems that she was having a bad day because after the policeman handed her the summon, she looked at him, ripped the summon apart and threw it out of the window at his feet and drove off.
At this point, I could only gape at her open-mouthed. I mean, some people say that I can be kinda mean when I want to, but I think I look like a saint next to her.
This was a very interesting experience because I have never quite met anyone like her. She scares me. Let me put it this way... I'll never have constipation with her around because she scares the shit out of me!!
On a lighter note, we reached Oversea Restaurant in one piece and the lady was so nice to all of us. Dinner was her treat along with a bottle of wine. I managed to snap some photos too :) (none with her in it!!)
The photo on the left is a photo of me and Chin Aun (with Chin Aun looking very stuffed! haha...
And the photo on the right is of my cousin and her Korean bf ;) Hehe...
I hope she never finds out that I posted her photo here or I am so gonna get it from her...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

can i have your aunt's friend's number plate so in case i see her in KL i will roll out the red carpets and let her thru