Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Brett Anderson

The man himself garners a post with his name as the title... How big is that??? *winks* Since Zeeks commented on Brett in my previous post, I thought, "What the heck... lemme put that in since I love Suede so much!".

Now... this Brett Anderson person hasn't exactly been making waves here on our beloved shores but if you're into eclectic androgynous bands from UK then you've probably heard of Suede *grins* They appeal only to a niche group of music lovers :p

I THRIVE on the sounds of Suede droning on about "Trash" and "Beautiful Ones". And if you've noticed, Suede's keyboardist Neil Codling is always the band's eye-candy representative in his own blase-androgynous kind of way. Oh.. let me indulge you...

Neil Codling - cute in a girly-gay kinda way - keyboardist for Suede

Before I veer too far away from the topic at hand, this post is on Brett Anderson, the backbone and founder of unparralled and somewhat-aneroxic looking rock band, Suede.

Brett Anderson - lead singer/frontman for Suede

Check out their music video for "Beautiful Ones"... my ultimate favourite Suede MTV. I love the electric guitar opening...

Anyway, I was just channel-surfing and I found out that Brett Anderson actually went solo and released a single entitled "Love Is Dead" which totally doesn't catch my fancy at all *sobs* I think Brett Anderson is so much more when he's with Suede. He's the ultimate embodiment of character... bringing life to songs like "Trash" (which I think was written with people like Zeeks and myself in mind... hahahaha), "She's in Fashion" and their original and first hit single, "Animal Nitrate".

Brett Anderson where he really belongs...

I don't care if people out there label them fags or what-nots. I LOVE SUEDE! :) They redefine androgyny!

**Note: You know, I harboured no ill-will toward anyone when I started this post 15 minutes ago... but my dear old lifetime best buddy, otherwise known as Zeeks, just threatened to bitchslap me on Facebook and start a war! What kind of a lifetime best buddy is that?!?!??! *fumes*

*bitchslap you back* (and hope you trip on a cement clinker that your worker left lying by the doorway) phwek! :p
*now that I have bitch-slapped you back and gotten even... I give you a token of peace-offering....
Maybe maybe it's the things we say
The words we've heard and the music we play
Maybe it's our cheapness
Or maybe maybe it's the times we've had
The lazy days and the crazes and the fads
Maybe it's our sweetness
We're Trash...
You and Me
We're the litter on the breeze
We're the lovers on the street
Just Trash...
Me and You
It's in everything we do
It's in everything we do...

While Brett Anderson may be the embodiment of everything Suede should be, this song is the embodiment of us, our lives and the millions of people out there who are just like us.
Cheers~~! To us!! And to everyone out there who aspires to be just like us *grins*

1 comment:

Zeekco said...

A post dedicated to Bret Anderson??? walau... ur a true SUEDE fansi man... I have to agree, they're different, music wise. Very brit, very groovy. It s their unique-ness that make them stand out, and not like any other bands who do covers like Uptown Girl, Home and other bring tracks.

Let's do a combine post on them!