Saturday, November 17, 2007

2 idiots, an innocent and 24 hours...

For clarification purposes, when I say "2 idiots, an innocent and 24 hours...", I am not the innocent. So you guys do the math...

Anyways, last week, my lifetime best bodoh buddy came down to KL all the way from his prime location in Khantan (where????) for some training. So, he came over to my place to bunk on Friday night and was obliged to entertain me for 24 hours.

While he was there, we stayed up discussing about tattoo designs *grin* Okay... more like I was sharing with him my ideas while he keeps saying things like "Hell, I'm never gonna be able to back out of this, am I?" *chicken!! snorts* and I was so rudely greeted by a statement "The only time I ever see you so focused is when we are talking about shopping, shoes and tattoos. If only you could put in this kind of undivided attention on your studies or your work..". Sheesh... But come to think of it, during exam week when I was back in college, I would be in bed asleep by 10pm -- to have better peace of mind, konon. But I can stay up all night researching tattoos, reading, surfing the net or blogging. Looks like someone needs to learn more about priorities...

Our rendezvous started early Saturday morning when he yelled "Oi!!!! RISE & SHINE!!! *@^#%@$!!!!" to jolt me from my sweet slumber. This was followed by some mumbled not-so-sweet words from my mouth at the obscene hour of 8am. Anyhoo... I showered and got dressed for breakfast with him and Thomas :) A friend from my tortured years in Form 6. Thomas would be the "innocent" in the abovementioned title.

During breakfast in SS2, in which we were so late for because Zeeks is so bloody slow (*ahems*), the two guys bitched about work and argued over who should get the Job Classifieds section of the Saturday newspaper first while I watched in amusement only to have them look at me resentfully. Just so you know, 3 months ago, I would be right there bitching and arguing with them over the papers. But as of now, I am still in a sublime state and hope to be here for quite some time *grins* (and no... neither Chin Aun nor myself hit the lottery so I am not at the maximum state of euphoria where I do not have to work and can spend all day shopping and at the spa).

Anyways, after breakfast Zeeks accompanied (or rather, chauffered) me to Tesco Ampang where I had to do some work-related stuff. All the while, my friend here complained till my ears dropped off. And there were times where we actually visualized the next day newspapers with the headlines: "So-called Friends Stabbed Each Other To Death In Tesco Ampang" or something to that extent.

After my work visit, our good times officially started *GRIN* We headed over to Bangsar Village for lunch with Thomas. Went to d*lish to have a light lunch with snacks cos we heard that the desert there is not bad ;) and whaddaya know... we were greeted by the sight of cakes in all sorts, shapes, sizes and colours sitting on a pedestal (I'm exaggerating but you get my drift...). Anyways, Zeeks ordered a beef pie with a side of caeser salad, and I ordered beef lasagne (red meat lovers, the both of us). Thomas who came a little later, ordered curry puff. We shared that and got to choosing cupcakes :) (please refer to attached photo for a better visualization).

beef pie with caesar salad on the side

beef lasagne (I know it looks kinda icky but I promise I did not mush it up before taking the photo)

cupcakes mania!!~

gluttony in all its glory :p

Insanity caused by too much sugar in our blood

The adorable thomas and the incorrigible me

it's supposed to be a snapshot of the 3 of us but Zeeks apparently does not know how to use my phone's camera

After d*lish, we went shopping... to be precise, WINDOW SHOPPING *bleargh* I mean, what's the point in shopping when you can't buy anything right!??! We went to shop after shop, lusting after bags and shoes. And finally, when we ran out of energy to gaze longingly after the products displayed in shops, and out of vulgarities to verbally abuse each other, we headed back home to bum for a short while... followed by Thomas politely excusing himself to go for a colleague's wedding dinner and Zeeks saying this "Uncle Mah only comes once a year. This is it for 2007. Till we meet again in 2008!". That guy thinks he's the local version of Santa Claus...

That generally sums up our 24 hours... and Chin Aun came back the next day so I can actually sum that my weekend was an eventful one :)
PS: Oi, uncle Mah, remember to put aside RM300 for our 'project' ok?!??~


Anonymous said...

The cupcakes look sooo cute and simply delicious....does it taste as good as it looks?? *drool*

Zeekco said...

oi.... of all the photos??!!!! *&$%#^ put lar a decent one. but the weekend was crazy and eventful one. esp the one we have to hang out in tesco ampang for freaking 2 hours and the stupid lady was just setting up the booth. so did u taruh her agent???

anyways, im hooked to the TGI Fridays Potato Skin snack you recommended and when im here in kl again last tuesday, i went and bought another 5 packets. will blog it out!