Saturday, April 05, 2008

Tinky's Extension

Tinky's got an extension!! :D

Today is actually the 10th of April 2008, I actually got this done on the 5th of April (a Saturday). That's why I changed the date for this post to the 5th of April instead of today cos I wanted to commemorate the event *grins*

As most of you already know, I got a tattoo of a fairy on my lower back several years ago. The event was a memorable, albeit slightly painful one.. and there's not a day that I look back and regret getting it done. I loved it so much that I actually regretted not getting it done BIGGER ( I was chickenshit you see? Was and still is, by the way).

Anyways, Zeeks and I planned and planned to get one done together after my incredible first experience *grins* alright, I may have stretched the truth a little. I'm the one who's longing and aching to get another one done and I've been brainwashing him for the past two years to do it with me.


I got him hyped up and freaked out! We set a date in April 2008 where he would be in KL for training and gave ourselves lead time to search for our desired designs.

So the 5th of April finally dawned and we woke up feeling excited and nervous at the same time (I'll say this for myself. Zeek woke up trying to find a good excuse not to come over). We appointed Chin Aun as our designated driver in case we were in too much pain to drive and being the great sport he is, agreed :)

I wanted to get Tinky some fairy dust and a christmas star on my ankle ot upper back (the star of hope) and Zeeks wanted to get a nautical star on his back.

After a breakfast of pork noodles in PJ State, we headed over to Borneo Ink in Hartamas. Went up there without an appointment and nearly got turned away -- the next available date is in June! *scream* Then, someone who made a 3-hour appointment didn't turn up and the artist could slot us in :D As fate would have had it!

There was no turning back! Zeeks went first... and I was advised that the artist may not have enough time to get mine done. I was disgruntled and disappointed but since Zeeks had to go back to Khantan, he had priority *hmmph*

I'm gonna save the story of Zeeks getting his done so that he can personally blog about his own experience *smiles* It's not right to rob him of that...

After he was done, it was my turn. I was so excited! The adrenaline flow was magnificently inexplicable!!

First, the tattoo artist, Simon, advised against getting the single star on my ankle or upper back as it would not stand out (Chin Aun agreed wholeheartedly because he doesn't want me to get anything done on my upper back! He says it'll be visible when I wear a wedding gown *roll eyes*). He incorporated the christmas star onto Tink's fairy dust and freehand-ed it on my back (My previous tattoo was first drawn onto the tracing paper and then duplicated using petroleum jelly on my skin).

Then I had to lie down and listen to the whirring of the needle. I held my breath and waited for the sting.

And did it sting!!! It was so much more painful than my last time!! I think I am getting old *sobs* Maybe it's like getting your ears pierced. The older you get, the more painful it is. I flinched and cringed when the needle made contact with my skin (and gave Simon a hard time). I guess that's the reason why when Zeeks asked Simon if it was gonna be painful and he replied with a vehement "VERY!".

At this point, I told myself that I am never getting another tattoo ever again!

I remember the time when I was getting Tinky done.. it wasn's this painful... it was a searing hot experience and I got used to the feeling in a matter of seconds. Whereas with this one, it felt as though a million needles pierced right into my skin and into my nerves when Simon worked on the lowest part, near Tinky's feet.

Look at my miserable face in that photo! Zeeks has never seen me so subdued! hahahaha... He took the photo to etch an eternal memory of my pain, that sadist!

At this stage... the tattoo's halfway done and I'm halfway to never-never land. Surprisingly, once I've gotten past the initial pain, the middle part was bearable and my thought actually went to what pants I am going to wear to work to prevent the band of the pants from rubbing on my sore patch.

My thoughts were cut short when Simon got to the top part of the tattoo - the tip of the Christmas star. That part hurt as well!! But not as much as the first time.

My endurance finally paid off :)

The end result and the redness from the effect of the needle

Look at that beauty... Once I saw this in the mirror... I swore that this is not going to be the last of it :) I'm so getting another one!!! All the thoughts of the pain and the decision made not to get another one was throw out of the window.

It's no wonder they say tattooes are addictive :)

Zeeks says that he'll get another one only after 5 years but I think he's bluffing. He just wants to put me off track and get me off his back! :p
Meanwhile, I'll take the time to slowly figure out what I want to do next and where I want to put it. All ideas and recommedations are very much welcome and very much appreciated :)))

I'll check with Zeeks first if he's gonna post his photos on his blog. If not, I'll post it here over the weekend :)))

Updates (21/04/2008): Zeek's Nautical Star


Anonymous said...

Wah I didn't know tattoo artists are so sought-after. Bookings till June!

Yours turned out very pretty.

Anonymous said...

hihi.. its me. zillY here. =)
hey, urs very nice! okay, same goes to my bro.hehe^O^ its very cool.. hmm..... mayb will get 1 too.ha... jz wondering if i can bare with the pain...@@