Friday, March 23, 2007

It's been a while...

It seems like eons since I last updated my blog... It's just that I have been so busy lately that I barely even have the time to sleep, much less have the inspiration to write anything witty or funny here. But I so friggin' miss blogging!!!!
My daily routine runs along the lines of this:
Wake up -- reality dawns that I slept like a log and slept thru the alarm -- jump outta bed and take a quick bath (for those who know me, you know how challenging it is for me to take a quick bath!) -- try to find something decent to wear and gussy up for work -- drop ChinAun off and head off to work -- get stuck somewhere along Old Klang Road and curse those damn drivers who can't stick to their own damn lanes -- reach office and reply emails, chase suppliers, attend meeting after meeting after meeting and do just about everything else too -- then, whaddaya know, it's 7pm! -- try to finish up as much as I can before I pack up and head home -- Federal = TRAFFIC JAM, Jln Templer = TRAFFIC JAM *curse* Take Kerinchi Link and waste RM1.60 -- Fetch ChinAun -- grab dinner -- head home -- bathe (a longer, more leisurely bath :p) -- dry hair -- damn! it's 12am! -- SLEEP....

and wake up the next morning to the same routine...

but of course, the routine differs sometimes... I may head to work but then get to go for trade visits and all... and sometimes, I don't use Old Klang Road to go to work but take NPE and waste another good RM1.60. And sometimes, when I get so weary, I pack up by 6:30pm and head on home for some rest. That is generally what my life has become... I live solely for weekends... Sure, most of the times, I love my job... but I get tired too... so I guess I'm only human.. At least I no longer wake up in the morning and go "Hm... I wonder if I can pull off a sick-leave today?".. more like "Shit, I better get to work early and get -whatever it is that I am supposed to do- done before the meeting at 10am".

I'm a corporate slave!!!
*break into pitiful sobs*
I miss sleeping till noon and those times when I can laze around at home and watch tv-series with Jiun... or sit tapping away on the comp sending long crappy emails to Mel and BeeSung. I still sit tapping away on the comp at work, just for a range of different reasons *hmmph*
But I guess working here and the things that I do... They do give me a sense of gratification that I have never known before...

Anyways, just for formalities sake; here are some LOOOOOOOOOOONNNNNNGGGGGGG overdue photos that I took last year on my trip to US and Korea...

Photos taken during my cousin's wedding at Mission Inn:

Mom and I in the "President's Chair"

Dad and I in the same chair ;)

whoopsie... looks like there isn't much photos after all :p
will upload other photos another time :D hehehe
Promise to update my blog again soon...

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