Wednesday, January 03, 2007

My unemployed self and other serious issues

Enough about the phone issue. There are more serious issues at hand….

I know that I have promised to upload more photos from my trip to the States and to Seoul but I really haven’t had the time (and no, I am not making a mockery of the situation by equating being jobless and not having enough time. I am actually quite serious about this *hmmph*)

I haven’t had the time to resize the photos that I wanted to upload and the Taiwan earthquake didn’t help matters. In addition to that, I have been loyally playing chauffeur to Chin Aun and my sister. The week before Christmas, I was busy making some hand-made Christmas pressies (last minute work!) to my buddies. And most importantly, I have been busy JOB HUNTING! A part of me likes being jobless… There are no words to describe the euphoria of waking up at 3pm and spending the entire day either sprawled on the ground reading a novel or lounging by the balcony whilst tinkering on the computer – with a cup of coffee within arm’s reach.

(( most of you know that I am currently jobless *grin* Most of you would know since I have been ranting about resigning ever since October. So sick of being the sorry target of crimes in SS2! Urgh! -- long story -- Freelance work doesn’t cut as being employed *groan* Anyone got any recommendations?? Anyone wants to hire me??? Anyone who knows of anyone who wants to hire me??? *grin*))
Another part of me longs to be employed so that I don't have to scrimp and worry about $$$ anymore. I went to Starbucks on Sunday for a drink and chitchat with a mentor which I haven't seen in years and I wanted to buy her a cuppa. I opened my purse and peered in and whaddaya know, I only have RM5 (in 1-ringgit notes and coins!) *gulp* And in my haste of hopping out of the car, I forgot to ask Chin Aun for some 'allowances'. In the end, I felt so ridiculous having to use the credit card to pay for a couple of drinks. Sheesh... imagine my mortification at night when I had to tell Chin Aun "Bie ar, I used the credit card to buy coffee just now". Take it from me, it was NOT a good conversation. Especially the part where he tried to hide a smirk behind his hand.
Conversations like this are becoming more frequent, of late. Only yesterday, Chin Aun dropped me off at Cold Storage to buy some eggs and I had to turn to him with my palm facing-up while saying "Gimme some $$$ please". He doesn't want me to go back to Penang but at the rate I am going, I HAVE to go back to Penang or I'll bankrupt him! Imagine the agony when I walked into Topshop and found the most fabulous pair of pants only to hastily put it back when I saw the price tag and remembered my financial situation! (it's no longer a situation -- it's classified as poverty! In M'sia, the poverty rate is RM1500/month and I'm 'proudly' ranked at RM0.00/month! *screech*)
Initially, I thought of only getting a job after Chinese New Year. Mom's idea. She thinks it would be helpful if I started work only after CNY because I wouldn't have to worry about CNY holidays and etc (Me thinks she wants to make me clean the rooms at home :p). But I don't think I can survive until CNY if I continue lounging here. I would be fine in Penang cos everything's always fine-and-dandy in Penang. "No Worries, mate! "
Ohyeah... Another serious matter. As you all know, it's 2007 now and CNY is just around the corner. Every year, at this time, the orphanages and old folks' homes around M'sia are in dire need of help.
I know that many of you will be getting your bonuses at that time. Perhaps we should rethink (I'm including myself here, poor or not) our expenditure. Personally, I am against giving cash (an experience with a nurse taught me better than that). The old folks' home in Taman Jubilee in Penang (situation in Lip Sin Garden) often hands out a list of things that the people are in need of: Milo, milk, diapers, rice, crackers etc. It would be good if all of us could round up different orphanges and old folks' homes to get the different lists and take turns contributing. Set a weekend to purchase some of the things that they need and bring them personally over.
C'mon people... I'm not asking you to spend thousands of ringgit buying things that these people don't need. They need the things that we need too, just that they can longer earn a living. We've been blessed in various different aspects. Just look back at 2006, and count the times you've been blessed. Perhaps it's time to do a little for the people out there who really need our help?
I'd rather us spend our money buying these people the necessities that often elude them than buy me a new mobile. And you know what? I'm really serious about this.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well I like your mum's suggestion. Strategic planning huh...clean the house. :)
and yea, it's almost charity time, CNY is coming.