Thursday, November 09, 2006

Ipod Replacement?

Can it be?!?!?!

My dad just informed me of this on the Internet:

My humble opinion?

Microsoft doesn't stand a chance!

there can NEVER be a replacement for something as magnificent as this:

(but then of course, I may be biased. So this is just MY humble and unaffected opinion, so people who cannot take it should just sod off~)

1 comment:

Anonymous said... does seem to have a bigger screen. They seem to want to challenge everybody. gosh...
Anyway, SOon yee!!! I bought an Ipod Nano here! 2 GB! Well it only came in silver for 2Gb :(. Anyway, I also bought a green silicon case which is good enough :) Coz i totally like the green color for ipod.