Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Long Overdue

This post is like... LONG OVERDUE *sheepish grin*
Anyways, the following is the main content of this post... the VERY reason why I am posting this:-

fine fine... I know the fact that the photo is blurry and you can hardly see what's written on it (gotta excuse my phone cos it's main function is for me to receive and retrieve calls and smses and not what I normally use it for AND I couldn't use my real camera cos I lent my memory card to Sue dear). Let me help.. it says PLANET HOLLYWOOD LONDON (there's also the shape of a film reel machine - whatever you call it- in the black circle). This is a GIFT, a SOUVENIR and a THOUGHTFUL GESTURE from Zeeks. Nice right? The gold stuff is sparkly!! and the star is PINK!!~ you know I love PINK! This magnet is currently parked on my whiteboard.. hehe

. ..BUT.. .

This magnet, aside from the fact that I LOVE magnets and all, and this one really rocks, there is also the sorry fact that this is the ONLY gift my 'bestest' friend got for me from London. I am so hurt *breaks into hysterical sobs* Where's my souvenir from Paris?!!? Just cos you gave Chin Aun a souvenir from Paris doesn't mean you're giving me one too!! *grrr*

So apamacam sekarang???? Macam mana settle? (remember Esprit jeans? 30%? heh heh.. THAT would be a fabulous solution!)

End note: Once again, I grudgingly thank you anyway for the Gift because I really like it *hmmph* lucky you got me something I like. If you didn't, this post would've gone up months back :p and the shelling would've been 100 times worse ;)))

bah.. *hugs* anyways :p