Monday, March 25, 2013

The Re-emergence of David Bowie

He's just recently launched a new album "The New Day" after a 10-year hiatus and boy, did he come back with a bang! "The New Day" was numero uno on The UK Album Chart for a week..


David Bowie - The Next Day
I've loved David Bowie since I was a kid watching Labyrinth for the first time. There's just a little something special about him that captivates and I cannot put in words what it is exactly. Yes, I agree with many that the sights and sounds of David Bowie are questionable but then again, maybe he's just an acquired taste and I have acquired that taste. 

David Bowie portraying Jareth in Labyrinth

And when he made a guest appearance on Zoolander... you know Bowie knows fashion... Haha... I know Zoolander is a parody of the fashion world but it's undeniable that he is the epitome of forward fashion and he's sporting about it and that's what counts.

David Bowie in Zoolander

And then on another end of the spectrum, there's just something so effortlessly chic and classy about him. He just ages so gracefully...

Effortlessly Chic
And the Victoria & Albert Museum in London just unveiled the "David Bowie Exhibit"! At this moment, I would willingly abandon my intense dislike for crowds and close proximity with strangers and join the thousands of fans thronging to the exhibit. I wouldn't do it for the Olympics, but I'd do it for the Bowie :)

"We Can Be Heroes... Just For One Day"

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