Saturday, July 14, 2007

(Part 4) A Tribute iPod Fanatics (Zeeks)

Anyone who knows me well knows that I have an idiot of a friend called Tze Ko (or Zeeks if you must). Anyway, he went to the States for a friggin' holiday last month so I decided to save the blog post on his iPod and accessories until now that he is back in Malaysia.

Zeeks, we've been friends for more than 5 years now and he's just declared me as his Lifetime Best Buddy early this year (he asked me for a favour and I did it for him, only I've forgotten what it is by now). I provided him all information he needed to prep him on his to US and guess how he repaid me??







(he thinks I should be thankful that he is emailing me on the 28th of June, one day after he touched down even though he is so jet-lagged *hmmmph*)





Even though I'm as pissed as ever at this idiot, I shall not let my anger get in the way of appreciating something as infinitely beautiful as his iPod.

Here goes :) ....

As much as I am pissed at him, I gotta say he takes great photos!

A multi-angled view of the iPod Nano (first edition)

He's got himself the first edition of the iPod Nano with the clear crystal finishing whereas Mel's iPod Nano is the one with brushed metal finishing.

The accessories that come together with this iPod Nano

the iPod Nano with a red tune-tie :) He gave me a black tune-tie when he got his iPod and I am still religiously using it! :D

Some other coloured Tune-ties :D I was actually thinking of getting the blue one to match my iPod Mini and a pink one to accentuate my iPod but ChinAun won't let me!

And this is the final installment of my iPod Fanatics series... until someone cares to donate an iPod Shuffle *hint hint* :D


hart_khor said...

i don't understand why are u so obsessed with iPod...i mean it's great but it's just a an IT geek, i still can't find myself so attached to a device like u...

anyway, talk bout looked awesome as well

Zeekco said...

Soon yee likes it that's why she's sharing her joy together with her ipod frens here.. I dont see that as a problem. She is obsessed because she thinks its a great creation and everyone should own it.

Well, there's no point talking about iphones now since its not available in Malaysia neither in the UK, my friend. I was in San Francisco, the homestate of Apple late last month and if i want to buy it, i'll be the first in Malaysia to own it, but i din simply because i cant use it here. The network provider is totally different, IT geek like u should know.

I have to admit iphone is great and looked fantastic.. but i dont see the point if Soon Yee starts talking about it even before owning it, likewise for you. I believe every products has its loopholes and reading from reviews, iphone still has room for improvements.

Just a piece of advise, living/studying in the UK doesnt mean you can talk your way through. Sometimes, a lil bit of thinking is required. Anyway, this comment deoe not mean to thrash about Apple computers. Im still a hardcore Mac supporter.

hart_khor said...

wat's with the hostility? i was just commenting on how she seemed to brag a lot of ipods. Wat's with the talking my way through? And not being able to use it does not mean you can't talk about it right? So what if it's not yet available in the UK or malaysia, it might be later on. I don't know wat's ur problem man...

Anonymous said...

it's not about bragging it's about sharing her interests. Different people different interests. Besides there's nothing wrong in sharing her joy of owning an ipod with her friends who have the same interest too. if u have a problem thinking that owning an ipod / writing about ipods is all about hostility then that's your problem. Just because you prefer to talk about iphones (or other gadgets), doesn't mean that she doesn't have the freedom to write about ipods. It's basically about owning and sharing an interest. So, if u don't own something more likely you won't be talking about it.

hart_khor said...

....i just made some comment and i've been shot all over...silence is golden

Soon Yee said...

people people... we all come in peace, ya? We all have our opinions and etc, and blogging is freedom of speech :) right? *hugs* you guys, let's not get touchy k?