Tuesday, July 17, 2007

My Birthday! :)

I know that those who know me are probably going "Whaa??? Your birthday!?!??! WTH are you talking about?? You're birthday's in June!"... whoopsie! hahaha... I've actually drafted this post much earlier but I haven't had the time to upload the photos until now.

Today's actual date is 14th Sept while I drafted this post (as you can see on the post date) on the 17th July. Ah well, dates are just numbers anyhoo...

Anyways, this year for my birthday, my parents didn't come down and celebrate with me. Hmmph! But Chin Aun took me to a new place for a celebratory dinner (I can understand why kids and teenagers CELEBRATE their birthdays, I mean, after all, they can't wait to grow up :p But the thing is, why do people like me -- ergo. OLD people -- celebrate birthdays?! Why are we celebrating the probability of a new wrinkle being discovered!? Hmmm... excuse my digression but you gotta admit it's something worth thinking about!)

Back to the topic at hand... Chin Aun and I 'commiserated' that grand annual event of my birthday at this place called "The Courtyard Garden" in Damansara Heights.

It's a bungalow refurbished with Balinese decor and filled with lush greenery amidst an otherwise bustling section of Selangor. Upon entering the restaurant, I felt as though we were automatically cut off from the hustle and bustle of the busy city outside.

(hey, what's that little brown mobile bag doing on the table beside the cutlery?? Opps! haha.. just so you know, that doesn't come with the decor of this place, it's more of a personalizes thing!)

And now... to my favourite part of the evening and of this post:

Finger food for the evening with sour cream 'n' onion dip

Wild Mushroom soup with croutons

Caesar salad with smoked salmon *yum*

Refreshments! :)

My main course of chargrilled beef

Chin Aun's main course of mixed grill

And of course, since it's my birthday... there'll always be this :)

Happy Birthday to me!! :)

And my birthday wish is lots of love and luck for myself and all those dear to me. I also wished for the disappearance of any wrinkles that may be part and parcel of this happy day :D

Just so you know, Chin Aun found out about this place when his company held a farewell party for one of the company's directors and he really loved it. As do I :) For those who are interested, this is a link to their website: http://courtyard-garden.com/home/


Zeekco said...

hey soon,
looks like a nice and cosy place for dinner date. anyways, does this post serve to make me feel bad after all the "Zeeks-forgot-my-birthday" drama?
so, wats in the brown bag?

Anonymous said...

All the food is making drool..

scwar said...

it's been like n-hundred of years since i visited your blog dear...didn't know so much has happened! it's always fun to read your blog..i can always feel your energy in each post..lol..well...need to update m bloggie too..it's been dead for too long

Soon Yee said...

gotta keep you guessing *grin*