Monday, March 07, 2011

Catching Up

I totally forgot about my blog.

I mean, not really, cos then there are those times (say, once every month or so..) when I receive 'smart' comments from friends about the livelihood of my blog, but I guess that was when selective hearing came into the picture.

THAT was 2009,.... and the first half of 2010 *ahems* ok... the ENTIRE 2010. Please note that when I FIRST drafted this post, it was August 2010, but after that, I was overwhelmed with a truckload of other 2010 issues, hence the task of updating my blog was booted of the list.

But I promised Mel and Zeeko that I would at least ATTEMPT to revive my blog. I mean, I'm not talking about a full-hot-blood-coursing-though-veins kinda revival - I'm a realist, not an optimist *roll eyes*. Rather, I'm looking at an occasional-beep-on-heart-monitor kinda revival which MAY in future (not sure how soon), lead to a full hot blooded revival (oh gee, looks like I'm an optimist after all.. haha)..
Guess I haven't lost my touch on crapping...

Will create a post soon to summarize the 2009 and 2010 what-not's..

Now, CSI New York Season 6 and 7 is just waiting to be watched.

1 comment:

mellim said...

Beep _________ Beep _____________ Beep