Sunday, September 06, 2009

Travelogue - Oldemarkt & Giethoorn (6th Sept 2009)

The day after my arrival in Holland, Chin Aun arranged for us to meet up with a colleague (Harald) of his who stays in Oldemarkt, which was an hour's drive from Leeuwarden for lunch before heading off together to see the small town of Giethoorn.

At Harald's, we had a simple but tasty Dutch lunch of croissants, sweet cakes, cheese and ham and Chin Aun and I were totally awed by the wonder that was his home. He had an awesome garden with pear, apple and prune trees with grape vines! It was the first time I tasted a fruit freshly plucked from the tree...

I've made a simple collage the town of Oldemarkt to show you guys how picturesque it is :) I love the photo of the sunset...

After lunch, Harald drove us down to Giethoorn, which was about a 20 minute drive from Oldemarkt. He also showed us a few windmills on the way there...

Giethoorn is also known as The Little Venice of the Netherlands. I'm not expressive enough to put in words the beauty that is Giethoorn so I'm uploading a few photos so that you can see for yourself how truly beautiful it is...

We walked around the whole place and stopped at a cafe for some coffee and ice cream before walking around the entire place and going back to the car to head back to Harald's place in Oldemarkt. In Oldemarkt, he showed us some of the local sights. From there, Chin Aun and I drove back to Leeuwarden and that marked my second day in The Netherlands. And tomorrow, the road trip to Amsterdam begins :D


mellim said...

Wow, those houses and gardens and landscapes. Happy road trip! Somehow I think road trips in western countries must be really awesome.

Anonymous said...

ive seen this "venice" in some forwarded emails.. beautiful indeed, eh but soon, give us some funny stories la.. this post is so you.. blue sky n everything nice!

we wanna know how does weed taste like n wether you fly in ecstasy or not... ha ha
