My housemates Jiun and Boey loves reading those Chinese Romance Stories... kinda like the Chinese version of "Chicken Soup for The Soul". Anyway, they just read one just now... like an hour ago and wanted me to read it too because the situation in the story in the book is rather similar to the one that someone we know is going through. Anyway, I can't read Chinese if my life depended on it so Chin Aun had to read it and translate it to me. The story goes something like this (excuse my inaccuracies!):
"This story tells of an example whereby a couple has been together for the past three years. The first year they had together were full of sweet and happy memories. However, when the second year came, they often argued and their relationship was permeated with heated arguments, threats, and also sarcastic and hurtful remarks. This went on onto their third year together. The situation got even worse then, one threatened the other with even more spiteful demands and the latter would resort to pretending that the other does not exist. They often broke up only to get back together again. This was because they were afraid of venturing onto new and unfamiliar grounds. But the time they spent together were really taking a toll on both because hardly a day ever goes by without the exchange of hurtful remarks. The only love and warmth that they felt was by reminiscing memories of their first year together and obliterating the years after. They were being together just for the sake of being together..."
The author goes on to comment "This is what many people are going through. They are unwilling to let go of a relationship because they have already gotten used to it and because they have invested too much time and effort into it to see it all go down the drain. But, if both no longer have feelings towards each other, why not just end it before it causes more damage?
The situation can be depicted as such: Imagine that you and the one that you love are on a train crammed with passengers going to a very important destination. In the train, everyone is shoving roughly against each other and the air stinks of sweat. You've been on the train for a few hours already and it would take many more hours before you can reach your destination. It was a downright unpleasant ride. Halfway there, you realize that the train is not taking you where you thought you'd be heading. Wouldn't you rather get off the train halfway and watch it leave with your loved one inside while you wait for another train to take you where you really want to go? Sure, you'll be getting off with a heavy heart because you have to let go of the one you love, but if you are unable to let go and get off the train, then you will never be to reach the place where your heart wants to be...
The author concluded with this: "It is not wrong for one to be willing to endure pain and suffering for the other in a relationship. However, when a relationship has nothing but only pain and suffering, then perhaps it's time to say goodbye. No one can deal with only pain and hurt not feel love in return in a relationship. How can you expect to know the warmth of the sun if you refuse to come out from your hiding place with dreary skies?"Do you think that's true? I don't know... Jiun and Boey were both pretty moved by it. Chin Aun just says "Whatever...". Me? I don't know... I guess it's just something to think about, isn't it?